Pearl Diving



Join Katherine Paras in small, intimate classes and experience deep learning grounded in the power of carefully guided, heart-centered groups. In these live, online, experiential and interactive courses, you benefit from multimodal teaching practices that invite many parts of self to find new synthesis, harmony, and learning.

16 CEUs for Mental Health Professionals

Join our upcoming training!

Diving for Pearls

May 19, 20 & 21, 2023

What imprisoned splendors lie hidden within?

What profound insights have been forgotten?

How can these seeds of the sacred empower healing and growth?

So many life currents dissociate us from ourselves. The flood of ‘simple’ daily requirements can deplete us. Our intensifying challenges as a collective frighten and disorient us. Unexpected loss, rejection by a family member, or a scary medical crisis sends us spinning. Spiraling into well grooved black holes carved by past trauma, we lose connection to ourselves, our strength, our heart. Seeking relief in actions that numb the pain however briefly grows addictive. We become spiritually lost.

Turning inward, we can be guided by the words, “When I know I am nothing, that is wisdom. When I know I am everything, that is love.” This experiential class will facilitate our dive into the Nothing and the Everything of our humanity, into the Creative Unknown and the potentials it holds for us or our clients. Using carefully sequenced, multimodal learning exercises—guided art-making, self-reflective writing, role-playing, creative inquiry and others—we will learn how to apply such practices to dissolve the barriers to deep inner truths that heal. To cultivate attunement to others through consciousness of the heart, we will ground our work together in meditative practices focused on compassion and collective intention. 

Resources from diverse disciplines—research on near-death experiences, spirituality and science studies, case reviews of exceptional experiences, neuroscience, heart transplant investigations, and trauma healing—amplify our in-class, experiential learning and revelations. NO PREVIOUS ART OR MEDITATION EXPERIENCE IS NEEDED. Using the approach of DIVING FOR PEARLS, therapists can help clients to:

Access forgotten yet profound insights and strengths

Release internalized, disempowering voices

Expand avenues to deeper healing

Learn what people experience in classes

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    “I savored every moment. I found value in the entirety of the class... My life has changed with where you and the space you held took me... This is beyond words for me and I am beyond grateful.”

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    “Definitely will use what I learned with clients.”

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    “I didn't know what to expect, but the Zoom meeting and the Padlet [to share artwork] worked really well. I still felt connected to the group and the process through this technology. I was pleasantly surprised with how well it worked.".

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    “I love your workshops... I look forward to the next one I am able to take!”

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    "The effects of the class were profound. I learned so much and benefitted from the processing more than I can articulate... I am so grateful."

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    "...the entire class was all important and valuable to me. And all parts worked together."


Who is this training for?

This experiential training in DIVING FOR PEARLS can benefit many in their search for unrecognized inner resources and release from that which inhibits their access. Contributing to the deeper connection to an authentic self, this course benefits people in the helping professions who support clients’ healing from trauma and its accompanying dissociations. Mental health counselors, social workers, therapists, psychologists, holistic nurses and physicians, pastoral counselors, among others can use this training to benefit their clients.


As a Continuing Education Units Provider certified by the NM Counseling and Therapy Practice Board (NMCTPB), Paras's CEU classes are approved for all licenses issued by NMCTPB and NM Board of Social Work Examiners. CEUs may also be applicable to other state licensing boards. It is the responsibility of licensees to stay informed about their specific board's requirements as they can change over time.

Course Description

In this experiential training, participants will practice and refine techniques that: (1) Deepen therapists' intuitive attunement to clients and (2) Build Therapeutic relationship.

Within this grounding in enhanced attunement and relationship, participants will learn techniques that empower clients to: (1) Reconnect to past exceptional experiences, profound insights, and related strengths forgotten by the client; (2) Expand client's self identity and self awareness; and (3) Build client access to deeper healing.

Class training exercises will also guide therapists in therapeutic approaches that can help clients to: (1) Identify and release both limiting beliefs and internalized, disempowering voices from their past; (2) Expand client self image and identity to include past exceptional experiences and their implied yet dormant potentials; and (3) Explore clients' relationship to the Creative Unknown inherent in human spiritual/multi-dimensional growth and healing.


Focused on collaborative experiential learning processes, participants will make use of:

(1) Guided art-making

(2) Self-reflective writing

(3) Alternating role-playing as therapist and client

(4) Video viewing

(5) Group processes that support healing (Eg., collective witnessing, collective healing intent)

(6) Small and large group discussion

(7) Annotated Bibliography describing resources from diverse disciplines, addressing topics such as near-death experiences, neuroanatomy and consciousness, spirituality and science studies, exceptional experiences of healing and growth, and trauma healing.

Related interdisciplinary research and literature will be referenced, including such topics as addictions; the role of childhood spiritual development on adolescent pregnancies, depression, suicide; infant development regarding the use of mirroring and self-mirroring within therapeutic relationship; the role of creative self expression in healing from past trauma. 


  1. Participants will describe a therapeutic focus that can facilitate a client’s trust in the therapist.
  2. Participants will give three examples of personal insights gained as ‘client’ in roleplaying and describe the relevance of such insights to clients’ access of inner resources and potentials.
  3. Participants will identify two reasons that can contribute to client repression of past exceptional experiences, insights, wisdom, or healing.
  4. Participants will give an example from their experience within role-playing, in which insights by a ‘client’ altered ‘client’ self image.
  5. Participants will list two behaviors that limit healing and provide one example from the annotated bibliography.
  6. Participants will provide an example from training experientials in which art-making led to unexpected insights into ‘client’ needs and/or contributed to ‘client’ healing.
  7. From the Annotated Bibliography, participants will describe one example of the role of the physical heart in the human experience of intuitive perception.
  8. Participants will define the concept of non-local consciousness and give one example. 

Mental Health CEUs

Katherine Paras, M.S., ATR-BC, LPAT is a designated Clinical Supervisor and a Continuing Education Provider certified by the New Mexico Counseling and Therapy Practice Board. Her CEU classes are approved for licensees of NMCTPB and New Mexico Board of Social Work Examiners. CEUs may also be applicable to licensing boards of other states. It is the responsibility of licensees to stay informed as to their particular licensing board's requirements as they can change from time to time.



To reserve your place with early registration, payment of $320 must be received by PayPal by April 11, midnight


To reserve your place after early registration, payment of $355 must be received by PayPal by May 9, midnight.


To reserve your place after September 30, late payment of $375 must be received by PayPal by May 17, midnight.

Step 1:Read the Terms of Registration

Step 2:Pay via PayPal

Step 3: Complete the form below

Soul Tracks Registration

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